In North Carolina, every healthcare organization that performs invasive procedures (including injections) is required to designate an on-site staff person to receive infection control training and implement an infection control program. The approved infection control curriculum developed by SPICE prepares designated healthcare providers to implement the North Carolina rule, 10A NCAC 41A .0206 INFECTION PREVENTION – HEALTH CARE SETTINGS. Learners will be able to ensure and systematically assess that their facility has the appropriate infection prevention policies and procedures in place to allow healthcare personnel to provide safe patient care consistent with the NC communicable disease rule .0206. Topics covered in the course include:
Frequently Asked Questions
Get the course in a live classroom or webinar setting:
Periodically, the .0206 course is offered by SPICE in a classroom or webinar setting at no cost to attendees. The best way to receive notification of these offerings is to join the SPICE “outpatientdental” listserv at
(Note: SPICE does not offer Infection Control in Dental Settings in classroom/webinar format, but others do. See “Other classroom and webinar course options” below.) We do offer the Dental course in the on-line format. (See “Get the course on-line, self-paced” below.)
Other classroom and webinar course options:
- NC AHEC Continuing Education Search Engine
- Total Medical Compliance
- UNC School of Dentistry Continuing Education
Get the course on-line, self-paced:
The NC Infection Control Curriculum is offered on-line for outpatient, dental, and home health/hospice settings by the Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology. The online course is self-paced; however must complete the course within 90-days of registration or re-registration will be required. (You don’t have to be from NC to benefit from this high quality, evidence based course.)
The cost for the on-line course is $150 by credit card only (Master Card or Visa). If a course quote is needed for documentation, please complete this form.
Take the .0206 Infection Control Course for your facility type:
Need help obtaining your certificate? (.0206 on-line course only)
- Go to
- Enter your username (the first part of your email address before the “@”)
- Enter your password. The default is Spice_12345 unless you have changed yours.
- In your account:
- Hover over “LEARNER” and select “My Certifications” in the dropdown
- You will see a list of the courses that you have completed.
- On the far right, under OPTIONS, click on the medallion shape:
- Your certificate will download. Save.
- Questions: